Book Review

Book Review # 10: The She-Hulk Diaries

she-hulk-diaries-marta-acosta-coverWelcome to our tenth episode of our video podcast the Izzie & Coco Book Review Show. In this episode we talk about The She-Hulk Diaries by Marta Acosta. If you are a comic book geek then you should read this book. This book follows the story of the Hulk’s cousin, Jennifer Walters who transforms into a strong, green super hero known as She-Hulk (or Shulky). The story begins withe Jennifer down on her luck. She just lost her job, got kicked out of the Avengers Mansion, and got demoted from super hero to local hero. As she struggles to get her life together, a long lost lover and her nemesis will resurface once again. This book is hilarious and entertaining. We definitely recommend it with a YAY! Let us know what you thought! Remember to leave us a comment, we love hearing from our readers/viewers. If you found a book you love because of our recommendations or share an absolute love or hate for a book, tell us! For any comments or questions please email us at books(at)

Our next selection is the book series: Elements of Chemistry by Penny Reid. We will be posting our review soon!

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About Author

Paola is the nerdy half of the sister-duo Dapper Animals. She likes to doodle, craft, and make big plans for art installations. She's a notorious crafting supply hoarder, but she's happy to share during crafternoons with friends. She's also the Founder of

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