Book Review

Book Review # 12: Magic Bites

magic-bites-ilona-andrews-coverWelcome to our twelfth episode of our video podcast the Izzie & Coco Book Review Show. In this episode we talk about Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews. Ilona Andrews delivers a fantastic paranormal novel with shape shifters, necromancers, magic, and vampires. The story takes place in Atlanta in a time where technology or magic can take over the world in a moment’s notice. When a magic wave hits, cars and electricity malfunction, while magic and magic powered objects become more powerful. The plot revolves around the murders of several shape shifters, humans, vampires and Kate Daniels’ own guardian. This kick ass heroine has to deal with the most powerful shape shifter in the area, Curran, to solve the case. Curran is dangerous and sexy so Kate will have to tread lightly during her investigation. If you are looking for a great action book with great sexual tension between characters – this is it. We give this book a big YAY and recommend the rest of the series as well. Let us know what you thought! Remember to leave us a comment, we love hearing from our readers/viewers. If you found a book you love because of our recommendations or share an absolute love or hate for a book, tell us! For any comments or questions please email us at books(at)

Our next selection is the book: Moon Called by Patricia Briggs. We will be posting our review soon!

About Author

Paola is the nerdy half of the sister-duo Dapper Animals. She likes to doodle, craft, and make big plans for art installations. She's a notorious crafting supply hoarder, but she's happy to share during crafternoons with friends. She's also the Founder of

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