Book Review

Book Review: Where’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple

Where’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple


LOVED this book! where'd you go bernadette by Maria Semple

4.5 out of 5 stars

Where DID you go, Bernadette? That question did not let me put down the book until I found out what happened to the kooky/crazy genius, Bernadette Fox.

Bernadette’s husband, her daughter, a Russian identity theft ring, the FBI and the PTA are looking for her.

Bernadette is this kooky, super smart lady that used to be a world-renowned architect genius. However, she goes through a very traumatic event early in her career. This event leads her to abandon her career and move with her tech genius husband to Seattle to raise their only child. All her energy is focused on raising her smart and adorable daughter, Bee.

Loved this book! Totally recommend it. Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple

Along the way, 12 years later, Bernadette has become reclusive and abhors to leave her house or interact with other people. Her behavior quickly worsens (due to an impending cruise to Alaska) and finally attracts the attention of her oblivious husband. At this point he thinks she needs to be admitted into a mental institution. And this is where her daughter puts together all the evidence in forms of emails and interviews to find her mother and prove to everyone that she isn’t crazy nor dead.

What I loved:

  • Bernadette is hilarious! And whip smart. Even though she hates going out and talking to people, she has the best interactions via email with her virtual assistant from India.
  • Bernadette’s 12 year old daughter is awesome and also very smart. She always has Bernadette’s back and is loyal to her no matter what. I loved their mother/daughter relationship, it was sweet and endearing.
  • Bernadette’s war against the petty and nosy moms at her daughter’s school.
  • The cult like status that Bernadette has in the world of architecture. Rare sightings of her is like bumping into Elvis Presley.

What I wasn’t crazy about: (SPOILER ALERT)

  • I can’t believe her husband cheated on her! Ughhhh. However, don’t let this stop you from reading this book. The husband’s character is very interesting and believe it or not, charming. In the end, he does redeem himself.

That’s it’s. There wasn’t anything I didn’t like about the book. I loved it! I laughed out loud so many times and just absolutely adored Bernadette and her daughter, Bee.

Happy reading!

<3 Izzie



About Author

Andrea is the designer half of the sister-duo Dapper Animals. She likes to start her day handlettering and end it reading a book. She's also an art supply hoarder and when she has time she goes mountain biking on the one or two hills in Miami. She is also the Founder of Vintage Unicorn - a design studio.


  • Natalia Lilly
    May 4, 2016 at 9:48 am

    Great book review! Between Bernadette and her daughter this seems like a very laugh filled book. I also love the pic of you both dressed up like Bernadette. Super cute!

  • yined
    May 4, 2016 at 11:42 am

    Gosh, do I need to stop reading so many blogs and pick up a book instead? Such a fan of magazines, but not doing that well reading books. I think you gals will help to change that.

  • Beth Berger
    May 4, 2016 at 2:02 pm

    This book has been on my list for awhile now…and I ALMOST checked it out at the library last week and then changed my mind for another title. Since then I’ve seen FIVE different people mention it online. I think the universe is trying to tell me something, haha!

    P.S. Y’all dressed as the book cover is literally the cutest! <3

  • Lisa | Garlic + Zest
    May 4, 2016 at 4:15 pm

    This sounds like a winner, Paola! I’ll definitely check it out! Always looking for a good summer read!


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